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Mental Health in Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Mental Health in Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Patients with hidradenitis suppurativa suffer more from a mental health standpoint than those with other common skin conditions. Healthcare providers and those afflicted should understand that the disease’s chronic nature can affect physical and psychological health.

Hair Matters: Emotional Aspect of Hair Loss

Hair Matters: Emotional Aspects of Hair Loss - Dermatology

The emotional toll from hair loss goes beyond skin deep. There are many negative emotions and feelings that come with hair loss, and these must be acknowledged by physicians to care for patients holistically.

Quality of Life With a Skin Disease

quality of life with a skin disease

While one disease may affect the physiological aspects of the body, another can affect the psychological need for human interaction. While skin diseases may seem more superficial when compared to the myriad of potential internal diseases, individuals suffering from skin diseases have deeper psychological effects.

Why We Must Look Beyond The Skin In Children With Psoriasis

Child with psoriasis

Starting their life with a life-long disease that has no cure can be highly distressing for children. The impact of psoriasis on the quality of life in children is more significant than that of other chronic diseases such as asthma, epilepsy, and diabetes.